Well, we didn't make it to the drag races tonight. I hit a snafu at work that caused me to be a tad later than I had planned, and Jimbo spent the day moving his brother's things to the new apartment. We were both bushed.
So we found ourselves caught up in the race to a good seat at the only showing of the latest Batman installment that wasn't sold out...the 8:45.
I have some advice, should you decide to go see it:
1.) If you love Heath Ledger, RUN, don't walk to your nearest theater, right now.
2.) DON'T VISIT THE CONCESSION STAND. The film is over 3 hours long.....I made the mistake of taking a diet soda in with me. (my left butt cheek is permanently numb, as well, I think.)
I would love to know what Jack Nicholson thinks of Heath's performance as the Joker. Cause Heath tore it UP!! I don't think I've ever seen a character that can scare the hell out of you and make you laugh out loud at the same time like this new Joker. FABULOUS. Genius even, if I may say so.
In one scene, he makes reference to a person's true character just before they die. Its one of those moments that makes you say wow, and choke up for just a second, because its coming from a young man who is, well, dead, and who died way too soon. He was amazing in this flick.

His very last scene in the film, also makes you feel a twinge of sadness, because you feel that this character can never be this insanely devious and funny, ever again, (how on earth could anyone else top this?) and this is might the last time you'll see Heath Ledger on the big screen.
If he isn't even MENTIONED come Oscar season, it'll be a crime. (no pun intended.)