Thursday, July 17, 2008

Other People's Money.

I love spending it. Other people's money that is.

Let me back up.

My brother-in-law (Jim's twin brother), Tim, to those who do not know, is developmentally disabled, but a year or so ago, Jim and I got him out of Mama's house (he's 38, for Heaven's sake) and into his own place, living independently for the most part...with the exception of Jim and I getting his bills paid, groceries bought (one of us drives him to get groceries every week or so)....the whole shebang...all with his own money. He works at Dillons and of course, gets a Social Security supplemental check, so the dude's checking account is fatter than ours. Its just sick. And because he gets that little chunk from the government, if he has too MUCH money, they start cutting it back. (thats just's he suppose to have a "normal" life if he can't have money?!) So Jim has to either hide it in a savings account or take him out shopping for new stuff. (this is VERY hard for Jim who sometimes thinks if you can't eat it or wear it, its not worth spending the money on.)

At any rate, he had a swell little girlfriend he was living with for a while, she too is very high functioning, drives a car.....good gal.

But like any "normal" guy will do, he got lazy and comfortable, and sat around on his duff and expected her to do all the housework, the cooking, the laundry...sound familiar ladies?!

Well, she got fed up and moved out. And unfortunately, everything was hers. So we had to go sofa shopping with him....

Thats a good start, but we've got miles to go still, and as a bachelor, his idea of "nice" and my idea of "nice" are two WAY different things. And its SOOOO much fun shopping when its not YOUR money thats getting spent. Jim wants his brother to live as "normal" as possible, but I think most days, Tim doesn't care - as long as the cable is on (its either WWE Wrestling or Walker Texas Ranger) and there's food in the fridge, its all good.

Next on the list is a full size bed. Tim could care less, but it drives Jim crazy that he's still sleeping on a twin. be that happy with what you already have.......I could learn something from him, for sure.


Chris said...

I could learn a little something from Tim, too. I've said it before, but I'll say it guys ROCK!

Linda said...

I agree! You have helped him with his independence, and I think that's awesome! Now - you just need to teach him how to treat a lady - HA!