Okay, something funky's goin' on.
On 3 separate occassions, the electircal box at home, which does not open easily, has just poppped open. Okay, weird fluke, no big deal.
So late this afternoon at work, (and I have witnesses - a few of the men in my department checked it out for me) the electrical box directly behind my work area, just flew open, with absolutely no cause in sight, and made a hell of a racket.
Very odd.
In retropsect, I thought maybe the times at home were a sign of some sort, as a few weeks ago we had an electrical short, resulting in a hallway light blowing up, shooting fire and sparks, and all around scaring the crap out of me & Riley the Super Chihuahua.
Freaky stuff man, freaky stuff. If the damn house burns down, I guess I can't say I wasn't warned!