Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I was Brave in The Attempt.

Well, humidity and a nasty battle with acne got the better of me. I was tired of the big brown ball of fuzz.
This morning I did the unthinkable . . . I gave up the dream of long hair and ventured out to get it all cut off.
I couldn't take it anymore. I was trying soooooo hard to grow it out. I think this was the furthest I've gotten in a very, very, VERY long time. I blame Victoria Beckham and that damn bob she's been sporting. I noticed at the mall a few weeks ago that everybody else had the same cut I had, only mine was getting frizzy and annoying.
It was actually a little bit liberating to get it all cut off, and I feel about 10 pounds lighter. And more like myself again.
Besides . . . we're going to Texas for a week, and I don't want to spend the entire vacation blow drying and straightening what The Good Lord obiviously prefers short and choppy.
I feel like a quiter, but as the Special Olympics oath goes . . . I was "Brave in The Attempt."
I was at the bookstore today, looking for a good read to take with me to Texas (I never get the chance to read, so whenever we get the opportunity to take some time off, I try to get a book in while I'm at it.)
I found this one, and just from thumbing through it, I can already tell I'm going to dig it. Its called "Chick Ink" and its "40 Stories of Tattoos and the Women Who Wear Them."
I also picked up a biography (I love those) about the "Kennedy Women" - because it includes the story of Rosemary Kennedy, the disabled sister of John F. and Eunice Kennedy, and how her siblings pulled her out of a state hospital and incorporated her into "normal society" - and how she prompted Eunice Kennedy to start camps for the developmentally disabled, and eventually, Special Olympics. I'm pretty stoked about that book!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Another Movie Review: Death at a Funeral.

This poster says "Putting the 'fun' in funeral" - and it really did just that. It was good for a chuckle.

I'm not HUGE on foreign films, I do enjoy them occasionally (without Hillbilly Jim, of course) but I bought this flick from On Demand late last night, and I gotta tell ya, it was pretty funny. In a dark, oh my, thats nuts kinda way.

Its a British film about two brothers, the funeral service of their father, and the crazy shit that goes down that day.
Its got everything a good funeral SHOULD have:
A funeral home delivering the wrong guy to the house, and then running back to get the right one.
A body falling out of a casket.
An upset midget that hits his head on a glass coffee table and gets left for dead, but he's not.
A bad, accidental acid trip that leads to a naked rooftop freak-out.
A very pissed off old man left on a toilet (in error, due to the "dead" upset midget)
And a pregnancy is revealed.
It wasn't so brilliant that I must see it again, but it was a cute look into the life and secrets of one family in mourning . . . or at least a family TRYING to mourn.

Friday, May 23, 2008

No Movie For Stupid Robyn.

Am I missing something?!?! What a turd. This movie got Oscar nods, and I can't figure out why. I didn't get it. I don't think it was meant to be a funny flick, but Jim and I laughed our asses off through most of it, thanks to the HYSTERCIAL one liner genius of Tommy Lee Jones (and Josh Brolin occasionally).

I'm a bit of a movie buff, but this was 123 minutes of my life I will never get back. If you can explain it to me, please do....cause I'm lost.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Cemetery Day.

Today we drove Grandma and Grandpa out to Greenwood Cemetery in Newton to decorate their son's grave. (Jim's Dad's grave). The weird thing about this plot is, directly behind them here is a direct shot of a headstone that says "Hayes" - Jim's mother's maiden name - both families (Garrison & Hayes) were very close back in the day. Odd.....
Yes, his actual given name at birth was Eddy Joe Garrison - kinda hillbilly, huh.

MY flowers are the classy silk ones in the vase next to grandpa - I DO NOT purchase ANYTHING with BLUE ROSES in it - that ain't how I roll. (Please note the splash of burnt orange in that vase!!!)

He's been gone about a year and a half. He had (another) major stroke and died suddenly while visiting them down in Texas.

12 days later, Jim's uncle, his dad's brother, (Johnny Lee Garrison - yes, that was his actual given name at birth, kinda hillbilly, huh.) died of cancer. So needless to say, Grandma gets VERY emotional at the grave because she lost 2 sons in the matter of a week or so.

BIG SECRET ABOUT TO BE DEVULGED!! - In this next picture, Jim and his grandpa
are putting down a spray that grandma brought up from Texas - they are putting it right over the spot where Jim buried some ashes of the other son (Johnny Lee) right there with his brother - unbeknownst to the cemetery folks. So it was a quick, renegade burial, a covert operation in the dark (okay, dusk) of night so that grandma would have a place to go and visit both the sons she lost at around the same time.

But that ain't nuthin'. When Jim's dad died, grandpa actually took pictures of him in his casket. WTF?!?! What the heck kinda backwoods stuff is that!??! It freaks me out when they all start bringing out the cameras. Heaven help me, I better be made up to the hilt, full manicure, and boobs a kickin' with some wicked awesome cleavage, maybe a hot red number with sequence - especially if their gonna take my picture post-mortem - I gotta go out in style.

Here's a teeheehee.... Their 3rd and only son left is ......wait for it......Jessie Ray Garrison. (thats grandpa's name, too) Kinda hillbilly, huh.

I love those damn hillbillies. They've always treated me like I've been one of them forever.

FOOTNOTE: Check out http://www.presleys.com/ - that's Jim's family on his grandpa's side out in Branson, as mentioned in the previous blog post.......ah, to have their money.......too bad I can't carry a tune in a bucket. Jim, on the other hand, can actually sing, but stage fright might get the best of him.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Family Night.

Jim's grandparents came to town tonight!
They're making their whirlwind tour of family graves for Memorial Day a week early - Jim's dad is buried in Newton, so we'll be hittin' that spot with them on Monday. They are so stinkin' cute.
Grandpa was a marine and a boxer back in his day - that little man ain't skeered 'o nobody.
Funniest thing I've ever heard him say made me literally fall off the couch laughing, in referrence to a fight he got into with a fellow Marine during World War II : "I might be small, but I'm a championship boxer and strong as an ox - I'LL PUT THE LATCH ON YA!"
That is some funny stuff. He doesn't stop going. Up until last year, his house was the most lit and decorated in Garland, Texas at Christmas time. He can tell you the exact light count and everything. Did it all himself. We've got him talked into not getting on that ladder anymore.
Grandma's not been so well and has had several heart surgeries lately, so we're going to go spend some time with them in a few weeks. Jim needs it.
Interesting note: Jim's Grandpa is the twin brother of Bessie Presley, she and her husband Lloyd started the Presley family show out in Branson. Very big show - AND Lloyd is the 6th cousin of ELVIS! Wow. Royalty in the family.
Jim's Aunt Paula & Uncle John came by to visit as well. They're a couple of old Harley riding hippees. I just love these guys. They're the coolest.
They have an Anniversary Edition Harley Davidson - its bad ass. And LOUD!

Uncle John announced to us tonight that he's joined a band. He actually has been writing some music and has recorded a few songs - he sounds just like Lemme Killmister. He's wicked awesome.

The Jackson Kids.

Well, my brother and his wife finally sent me a photo of my new niece, Olivia Jane. We're hoping to get to see her live and in person the first week of June when we go on vacation to Texas (if we make it down Houston way).

My thoughts on this photo:
She looks exactly like my nephew, Joshua, did at brand spankin' new, only they put THAT poor baby in an pair of slacks, suspenders and a tiny little Rush Limbaugh power tie. (I shit you not.) I hate to say it, but this photo is terrible. My brother agrees. Dress is cute though, bless her little heart.

This is her brother Joshua today! He's turned out to be quite the handsome boy. HUGE piercing blue eyes - but every time I see him, he's got a goose egg, black eye, band-aid....something - I don't think he feels pain and he has absolutely no fear.....my sister-in-law says he's her "little terrorist" - and I believe her. I love the kid, but he's crazy as hell.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Power Lifters in the A.M.

This morning before I headed into work, I thought I'd slide over to Bishop Carroll High School (sorry, Catholic friends, if I butchered the name of the school....I really dig the Buddy Christ at the entrance though - sorry, Dogma reference there, had to be done) to get a peek at some Special Olympics Power Lifting & Tennis Regionals and visit with my mother-in-law a bit. They tried to rope me into helping with tennis, but shucks, I couldn't - I had to go to work! (whew)

This is my brother-in-law, Tim, with THEEEE DUMBEST smile I think he's ever given for the camera. Musta been in a good mood this morning. He and Jim are twins....put a mustache on this guy and they look just alike! Tim spiked a fever when they were a year and a half old, had a grand maul seizure and it cooked his brain. The family has no idea why, and no idea why Jim didn't get sick too....luck of the draw, I suppose.

Here's Jimbo coaching Jamal during his dead lift.

And again, Jamal.....he's a horse of a kid but gentle as a lamb. Sweet guy.

This is my very good friend and S.O. South-Central Area Director, Mitch. Or, as my 16 year old daughter calls him, "Hot Mitch".....and yes he really is, ladies. VERY much so. And super nice. And married to a very sweet former Miss Rodeo Kansas, Amanda.

They had ONE token girl power lifter. She looks THRILLED to be there.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Well, this is completely random, but I have discovered something out in Stilwell, KS that I would love to go and just witness some time.

Its called Heartland Therapeutic Riding, Inc., and its just that. Horseback riding for the developmentally disabled, and it looks amazing.
I think they do it on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday evenings, maybe the weekends too....

But everyone I know of that has a disabled family member that has gone and done it says its the coolest.

There is also a rodeo in the fall - damned if I can remember where its at, but MANY of our Special Olympics athletes compete in it and from what I understand, folks you could not imagine even tying their own shoes ride like a pro - its really something to see - and I must. One of these days.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

EXTREMELY Funny Stuff from Jenn...

I have to post a few of the HYSTERICALLY funny Inspirational Posters my buddy Jennifer emailed me. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. They were ALL funny...here are just a few.

Thanks Jenn for the laugh! I think I pee'd a little.


Sesaon Finale Night!

Oh, I'm so excited I could just crap!
The one hour season finale of The Office is on tonight! I love this show!

I'm PRAYING that Jim proposes to Pam. He's been teasing her with the whole "you never know when its coming but I'm going to do it" kinda thing . . . and I hope tonight's the night! These two are adorable!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Not So Bad After All . . .

Mother's Day, I mean. Generally, it sucks for me.

I have MANY reasons why I'm not a fan of the day, and it is not a fan of Robyn.

But I must confess, this day makes me take a look at all the fabulous women in my life, mothers and non-mothers, that have made and still do make me who I am today - Linda J., who has a strong, steady way about her and is kind to everyone, no matter how angry they might make her - she never lets 'em see her sweat. Chris S., smart, funny, full of life. Cowgirl, takes care of everyone and wants to fix what makes you sad. Heather, earthy, never needs or wants for more than she already has, and treats everyone with dignity and respect, even when they don't deserve it.
....and so many more - like my best bud, Vonnie - single mom supreme who has shown me over the years that you have to just laugh off a lot of things, especially yourself, because if you don't, the weight of it all will crush you. Or Jennifer N. who has experienced the most horrible of losses in her life, her mother, a child....and she still gets up and slams through another day - every day - all with a smile on her face. My mother-in-law, Moms Ginger, who has shown me that you gotta forgive, forget and move on, cause life is way too short. And then there's my Special Olympics Athletic Director and very dear friend, Kim Mudd. She has no children of her own, if you don't count the 200-some athletes that she loves like her own. I literally witnessed her give someone the shoes off her feet once - thats just the kind of woman she is.

So just when I was down on myself and mad at the world because I wouldn't be spending this day with her, my sweet baby Rebekah showed up at work today and delivered to me a hand made card. Cheesy for a 16 year old, but I love it! When I look at it, I see EXACTLY my doodling style and who I was at that age. Right down to her handwriting, I see that she is so much like the 16 year old Robyn, its scary....and it has made my day! (check out that spider web, complete with spider! I did that ALL the time as a kid!)

So I DO NOT want to wish the previously mentioned ladies and all my other blogger and non-blogger gal pals a Happy Mother's Day......
instead, in the words of my daughter, HAPPY SUPER AWESOME, BAD ASS, COOL, (INSERT WORD HERE) DAY! I LOVE YOU! (Insert squiggly exclamation here!)
And thank you for making me a better person.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Booger Pickin' Welcome!

So I haven't found a gargoyle yet, but I did find this troll with his finger in his nose.

Thats funny stuff, man.

Some Gardening (Kinda)

I'm pretty pleased with myself today. I finally got some work done in the flower beds, and I got some of our new solar landscape lights put together and in the ground. I bought, loaded and hauled 5 huge bags of mulch, planted a few things, and got all that mulch down. I found this "G" at Gordman's this morning and had to hang it.
I've been on the hunt for a gargoyle for the porch, too....haven't found one yet.

You can't see them here, but I got some little shrubs planted too. Hopefully, they'll get much bigger! Right now they're super tiny.

Tomorrow I'll hit it again if the weather holds out. I haven't done much, but what little I did was exhausting and I feel very accomplished today!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Barney's Place Auction

Last night we went to the auction they held at Barney's Place for our Special Olympics team. It was a packed house. I even saw my old composing room work pals, Marcia Franklin & Royce Green there!
It was a good time, and luckily, we didn't go home broke. Jim snagged a metal "Jack Daniels Avenue" street sign for the garage, and I wound up with a Brighton necklace and a SWEET Pampered Chef basket of little this-n-thats. There were all kinds of really cool gift baskets at the silent auction tables.
Everyone that came through the door got a Koozy full of goodies - pens, free burger coupons...I do love me some Poison Green koozy action!
More baskets. They even had a few pet themed baskets - I bid on one but didn't get it.
Here's Bill, fellow coach & ringleader of the whole auction and golf tourney. Very cool guy. Loves to party! He and his wife Gayle are the bombdig.
Here's Cassie, she's been an athlete on our team since she was a bitty thing- and her mom, Jolene on the right - another fellow coach and all around SAINT of a woman.
Our KU helmet went for $200 - which kinda took the sting out of it because thats about what we paid for it. Not sure yet on the total amount raised from last night, but I think it went very well.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Ladies of the 80's, Our Boy is BACK!


I've always loved Robert Downey Jr., even when he was a hot prison mess. He's just got that thing.....I don't know what it is, but he's got it.

Tonight we went to see Iron Man. Opening night craziness. Now, I'm not a big fan of the comic book flicks, but THIS MOVIE ROCKED ASS!! I love him. I love him. I LOVE HIM!

His character was absolutely fabulous. Funny. Genius. Rich. Handsome. With just enough adorable arrogance to make you want more!

And man did he buff up!

I haven't had this much fun at the movies in a looooong time! They left it open for another, thank goodness, because I think this movie just might put our boy back on the map.

I'm totally adding him to my list of people I'd like to meet! Cause I LOVE HIM!!!