Tuesday, April 1, 2008


On this April Fool's Day, I spent my morning watching old movies on TCM. Today's theme: movies with the word "Fool" in them, apparently. Clever! Its a good way to spend a cold April morning. Me, some coffee, the dog & a blanket!

"You Can't Fool Your Wife" was one of the flicks I watched. Starring Lucille Ball. A very YOUNG Lucy, for sure. Cute flick.

I do love the old movies. I firmly believe I was born in the wrong time period! Ah, the flicks of the 1930's . . .the women were flawless ladies with perfect lipstick and lovely hair, the men were gentlemen, and everyone made smoking look glamourous. And the HATS! My goodness, the hats! Even the crappy movies are tolerable with fabulous hats!


Heather rules said...

I'm sorry I left you to drown in obits this afternoon.
As I've told you before...I love ya more than my luggage.
Just wanted you to know that I appreciate you! ;o)

Linda said...

I love Lucy! Haven't seen that movie though!