Monday, October 20, 2008

The Perfect Gift.

The gracious and talented Miss Oppenheimer took some pictures for me a while back. I'd asked her to get some shots of the little service guy in front of the convenience store on 13th Street, in the Indian Hills area.
There's a story.....
This is a Gino Selerno carving, one of a few thats left standing around the ITC, and he has great meaning to my husband and I.
He was created in my late father-in-law's image. Jimbo and his dad used to own an AMOCO station there. His hat reads "Indian Hills AMOCO" and his nametag says "Ed" - that was Jim's dad.

I recently visited the store and asked them to sell the statues to me, but to no avail. They said he was "part of the community" and didn't think it was a good idea.
So thats when I got Miss. O. involved. She took many for me, and they're all FABULOUS.
I had the first two pictures here enlarged and printed for Jim and his twin brother's birthday. I noticed a few weeks after I had asked the new owners if I could buy the statues that someone had sawed his hands off. WHO DOES THAT?!?
Jim was blown away, and fought back a few tears. Even his brother Tim, who is developmentally disabled, was shocked and tense with Miss Oppenheimer, mission accomplished!! Thanks again! You are fantastic!


Heather rules said...

Well I'm crying now. That is an awesome gift!!!

jenny said...

You always have such awesomely cool stories. What an amazing keepsake!

Chris said...

That's such a perfect gift. Unique and totally wonderful!

Jennifer Lynne said...

That is so cool. I pass by here everyday taking my daughter to and from daycare. I'm always going to think about you now!