Sunday, November 16, 2008

'Tis The Season....

For my obsession with all things trendy for fall and winter. My current Needful Thing is this bag. I have a serious purse problem, and I'll be the first to admit it.
It's at Accessory City and it will be mine.
Oh, yes, it will be mine.


Heather rules said...

This is super cute. I'm in the same boat. My purses are out of control!

Linda said...

That is one cute purse - and I'm not even a purse hog!

Linda said...

Robyn, you've been tagged. Check out my blog.

Jennifer Lacy said...

i have a serious purse problem too - I LOVE LOVE that bag!

Country Girl said...

perhaps we should all start a support group. we could call it ala-bag. ooh... or maybe we could all have a purse swap sometime!!