Friday, September 12, 2008


So I've been sick for like a week. As Forrest Gump would say, cough due to cold....or something like that.

Yesterday, my body said "ENOUGH!" I called in sick, took a fistfull of drugs and slept all day, with the exception of an hour or so, early evening, where I flipped on the television and found Turner Classics Movie channel, where it was a full on Kay Francis fest.

She was an exotic beauty, if you ask me, and quite the snappy dresser. She was THE big deal before Betty Davis came onto the scene.

How is it, the dames in all the old flicks have flawless, porcelain skin? Man, I was born in the wrong time period. I would love to have lived back in the 1930's 40's, 50's......ah the hats! The pearls! The gloves! THE DRESSES!! Wow.

Even though I searched the internet extensively, I've not been able to find a photo of her late in life. I'd love to know how well she aged.

According to Wikipedia, she died as a result of illnesses due to breast cancer. Her personal life was a hot mess, as she was prone to torrid, well publicized affairs......oooooh......ah, I'm still envious. She might have been a dirty girl, but she was a beauty!


Heather rules said...

we are two sicky chickies.

Linda said...

you and Heather need to fumigate and de-sick-i-fy the obit office!!!!