Sunday, May 11, 2008

Not So Bad After All . . .

Mother's Day, I mean. Generally, it sucks for me.

I have MANY reasons why I'm not a fan of the day, and it is not a fan of Robyn.

But I must confess, this day makes me take a look at all the fabulous women in my life, mothers and non-mothers, that have made and still do make me who I am today - Linda J., who has a strong, steady way about her and is kind to everyone, no matter how angry they might make her - she never lets 'em see her sweat. Chris S., smart, funny, full of life. Cowgirl, takes care of everyone and wants to fix what makes you sad. Heather, earthy, never needs or wants for more than she already has, and treats everyone with dignity and respect, even when they don't deserve it.
....and so many more - like my best bud, Vonnie - single mom supreme who has shown me over the years that you have to just laugh off a lot of things, especially yourself, because if you don't, the weight of it all will crush you. Or Jennifer N. who has experienced the most horrible of losses in her life, her mother, a child....and she still gets up and slams through another day - every day - all with a smile on her face. My mother-in-law, Moms Ginger, who has shown me that you gotta forgive, forget and move on, cause life is way too short. And then there's my Special Olympics Athletic Director and very dear friend, Kim Mudd. She has no children of her own, if you don't count the 200-some athletes that she loves like her own. I literally witnessed her give someone the shoes off her feet once - thats just the kind of woman she is.

So just when I was down on myself and mad at the world because I wouldn't be spending this day with her, my sweet baby Rebekah showed up at work today and delivered to me a hand made card. Cheesy for a 16 year old, but I love it! When I look at it, I see EXACTLY my doodling style and who I was at that age. Right down to her handwriting, I see that she is so much like the 16 year old Robyn, its scary....and it has made my day! (check out that spider web, complete with spider! I did that ALL the time as a kid!)

So I DO NOT want to wish the previously mentioned ladies and all my other blogger and non-blogger gal pals a Happy Mother's Day......
instead, in the words of my daughter, HAPPY SUPER AWESOME, BAD ASS, COOL, (INSERT WORD HERE) DAY! I LOVE YOU! (Insert squiggly exclamation here!)
And thank you for making me a better person.


Heather rules said...

Oh goodness Robyn. That post made me cry. I love you too girl!!! I'm glad you walked into my life.

Chris said...

I'm with Heather...that was an awesome post. Just having met you makes me smile. You're an inspiration to me, too!

Country Girl said...

ditto... you made me cry too - dadgumit! you're lucky i already took my mascara off. -- i'm so happy that rebekah came to see you today, that rocks like nothing else. my day was better than expected too. :) - and thanks for thinking of me in your post, very sweet sentiment. :)

jenny said...

OMG...thank you so much for including me in such an amazing post...I am a blubbering idiot right now. Rebekah's card is too amazing and love the salutation of a bad ass mother's day! You are a rock star mom!

Jennifer Lynne said...

What a great post! And what an awesome Mother's Day card.

Linda said...

Wow Robyn, YOU ROCK!