Monday, August 18, 2008

Startling Discoveries.

Startling discovery #1: Oh, I do believe I have a HUGE problem....but its really tiny. This bitsy little kitten is hanging out next to the driveway, and intently watching the front porch, which is a huge deck that Jim had to seal off one side of with lattice work because cats and other things were taking refuge under it........I'm worried that this child's mother might be under there or something, cause its not leaving, and Jim is going to have a FIT when he gets home, because soft hearted Robyn took pitty and fed it some chihuahua food soaked in a little milk. (maybe we should keep that to ourselves, girls)

I've named it Rikki (as in Rikki Rockett of Poison, because of the hair color) but I have no idea if its a girl or a boy, and if it doesn't disappear soon, Jim could get super bitchy about it.
Second startling (but very cool) discovery? A full 12 pack of longneck Miller Lites will fit in my bicycle basket......I tested this by visiting my neighborhood liquor store. I'm sure everyone in there thought I had a DUI or something, but who cares what they think! I looked pretty cool riding up to the door with my dice calve covers and wire basket!
The neighbor kids are still telling me how cool my bike is, and asking me to ride with them. Does that constitute an invitation to a gang?! Right on!


Heather rules said...

I was just telling Justin I needed Dice valve covers. It HAS to be done.

Linda said...

poor kitty. What a sweetheart you are!

Love the dice covers! Cool!

jenny said...

I can just picture you cruising down the street with a 12 pack in the back and a BIG old smile on your face! I love it! Oh and P.S. the town drunk visits our liquor store on his bicycle too...but he opts for the Bartons pint...I'm just saying.

Chris said...

I'm totally jealous that the neighborhood kids want to hang out with you. Or should I be? Digging the dice valve covers...and the fact that you've already named the cat.