Monday, March 24, 2008

Thank Heavens The Strike is OVER!

Oh, I am SO glad the writers' strike is over. My shows are starting to come back. Including Big Bang Theory. If you haven't seen this sitcom, you MUST. Too cute. A couple of genius geeks, but they are so funny! And Medium has been new for quite some time. So Mondays don't stink anymore! Now, I need some new House on Fox. Good show. He always says the cutting stuff I would never think to say.
Speaking of Mondays, Track Season starts this week for my Special Olympics team, and swimming is on Mondays. But I haven't been asked to help yet, and I've always helped with swimming. Not suprisingly, no one wants to get in the pool with folks that are afraid of the water.....except for me. I ain't scared. I've had my suit pulled down a few times, my hair pulled in a moment of panic, but I'm not scared.
I'm wondering if I should sit back and wait to see if anyone misses me. I bet they won't. Petty? Yes. But since we moved back from the KC area, sometimes I've kinda felt like I'm in the way and I don't feel needed like I used to. Maybe its time for a break from it. I dunno. I can't stay away from those athletes. I love them. But I just don't feel appreciated like I used to. Makes me sad.


Country Girl said...

call them if they don't call you! maybe they are afraid you've got something else going on or something?? i do feel your pain though sister... sucks when you feel like you aren't a major part of something important to ya.

if it'll make you feel better... throw on a suit, and heather and i will pull it down and pull your hair and stuff. ;)

Heather rules said...

I agree with Cowgirl. Call them. You should express your concerns. Maybe they do not know how much you want to be a part of it all.
I hear ya about the shows. How I Met Your Mother was great last night, as was Big Bang Theory. LOVE IT!

Jennifer Lynne said...

I agree to call them. There is also DVR for those monday night shows too!