Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cat's in the Crawlspace.

Wait. Was that a song? Nah, that was a Cradle.

We have uncovered a suspect in the Great Flea Caper.

Somehow, we've got a cat (probably more than one) getting into the crawlspace of our moneypit. THATS what is causing the flea problem to get seriously outta control. Our pest control guy was out today, got down in the crawlspace and found "something moving around". As he blasted the area with boric acid, the thing moving around freaked out and disappeared. (Then I watched it dart across the back yard.)

So! We've only got one option here, really....We plunk down a $40 cash deposit to the animal shelter for a "cat trap" and a few bucks for some cat food (bait), and then when we're sure we've caught them all, get all possible crawlspace entries sealed off.

This cat problem goes way deeper than fleas. There are cats everywhere. Big kitties, baby kitties.....its a full on infestation!

Makes me mad as hell.

By the way, if anyone needs a good pest cotrol company, I highly suggest Heartland Pest Control. Those guys are super awesome, and VERY helpful. Love 'em!


Linda said...

Glad you found out where the fleas are coming from. Why people let cats procreate if they aren't going to keep the cats is beyond me! I'm a cat lover and all 3 of our cats are spayed.

Heather rules said...

This is Heather Barker, remember to have your pets spayed and neutered, good night everybody!

Really, I'm sorry you haveing to deal with all of this mess. ;o(

jenny said...

Sounds like the Cat House from Flip this House - what a mess! When we had a flea problem we literally had to remove our cat from the house before it cleared up. So you are on the right track! I am so sorry - I know how frustrating that can be.

Rockyn Robyn said...

its been such a pain the butt! FRUSTRATING!! I feel like we've been over-run by cats and fleas!

Chris said...

Hee hee. Robyn's running a cathouse. That's funny! I seriously don't envy you. But you gotta admit, it sounds like an awesome money-maker!