Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Favorite Trainwreck

. . . Amy Winehouse, went sparkling white. I cannot fathom why, and its so unsettling, I may have to go to her official website and send her some e-hate.

I prefer my messes dark-headed. She needs to go "Back To Black" (pardon the pun).

I must confess, I AM digging the handkerchief, though.

I hope that tabloid rag she's got in her hand doesn't have her in the headlines this week.

You know, SHE KINDA LOOKS LIKE WuShock! (see below) - I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

Linda said...

she's definitely a trainwreck! Very talented though...and hey, I do see the resemblance to WuShock!